Monday, September 7, 2015


History of Shihan Chandana Jayakody

1983 - Commencement Of Shihan Chandana Jayakody 's involvement in the study of  Kyokushin Karate

1990 May 12,13 -   Parcipating in the 4th All Asia Karate Open Championship Tournament in Hokkaido,Japan

1991 -  Shihan Chandana leaving to Japan in the invitation of Late Sosai Masutatsu Oyama.

1993 January 4-7-Participating the Winter Training Camp in Japan.

1993 March 21 -    Participating in the 1st dan examination at Tokyo Headquarters in Japan.He was able to clinch the award by completing 20 Men Kumite and received a great honor From Sosai Oyama.

1993 July 31 -Participating in the Summer Training Camp in Japan.

1994 March 20 - Participating the 2nd dan  examination at the Tokyo Headquarters in  Japan completing 20 Men Kumite.He was one of the Last Two Sri Lankan  students who received last dan certificates from Sosai Oyama.

1995 February 4 - Returning to Sri Lanka after passing away of Sosai Masutatsu Oyama.

And thereafter he established his own dojo in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka

1999 October 31 - Holding the 1st Oyama Karate Exhibition in Kurunegala and took the  intial step in spreading the Real art of Kyokushin Karate in Sri Lanka.

2000 December 16 - Holding the 1st Sosai Oyama Memorial Championship in Kururnegala , Sri Lanka.

2002 May 12 - Holding the 2nd Sosai Oyama Memorial Championship in Kurunegala , Sri Lanka.

2002 December 24 - Appointed as the Official Branch Cheif and Country Representative in All Japan Kyokushin Union.

2004 April 16 - Participating the Seminar which was conducted by Shihan Yashuhiro Shichinohe and Shihan Shigeru Tabata of All Japan Kyokushin Union.

2004 April 24 - Appearing as the Main Judge in Nepal Tournament.

2004 June 2 - Holding the 3rd Sosai Oyama Memorial Championship in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka.

2006 April 23 - Holding the 4th Sosai Oyama Memorial Championship in Kurunegala , Sri Lanka.

2006 November - Participating the Japan Tour in the invitation Of Hanshi Daigo Oishi in order to participate the 38th All Japan Kyokushin Championship. At the same time he received a special 3rd Dan Black belt in the appreciation of his hard training from Hanshi Daigo Oishi.

2008 October 17-19- Arrival of Shihan Takeshi Miyagi from Okinawa ( 2nd World    Tournament Champion ) and Shihan Jiyuu Shibata from Shizuoka ken.A seminar was held under the guidance of Japanese Instructors and also they appeared as Main Judges and witnessed the success of 5th Sosai Oyama Memorial International Championship.

2009 July 26 - 27- Shihan Chandana Jayakody and his team leaving to Osaka, Japan,They  participated the Seminar guided by Hanshi Kazuyuki Hasegawa.And also  Shihan Chandana 's student Hansi Ranaweera was able to recieve the 2nd place in Junior Kumite Division of 1st World Karate Open Tournament.

2009 November 15 - Holding the 6th Sosai Oyama Memorial Open Chmapionship.

2010 April 18 - Shihan Chandana Jayakody and his team participating the Japan Tour invitation of Hanshi Daigo Oishi.Shihan Chandana completed his 4th Dan Grading test and his team participated the Kata and Kumite Tournament which was held in Shizuoka ken.

2010 October 17 - Holding the 7th Sosai Oyama Memorial Tournament.

2011 November 6 - Shihan Jiyuu Shibata , Sensei Kanou and Sensei Naoto Tachibana from Shizuoka ken arrived in Sri Lanka.At that time they guided a Seminar and also they witnessed the 8th Sosai Oyama Memorial International  Championship.

2012 November - Joining with International Karate Organization Kyokushin Kai kan World So Kyokushin Organization.

2013 September 29 - Holding the 9th Sosai Oyama Memorial Championship.

2014 November 16 - Holding the 10th Sosai Oyama Memorial Championship.

2015 April 17 - Shihan Chandana Jayakody and his team participating in the Japan Tour.At this time Shihan Chandana completed his 5th dan grading test under the examination of Hanshi Daigo Oishi and his team participated the 5th All  Karate Do Tournament held in Shizuoka ken.

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